at first, i am quite confuse and think "what the hell" or "where am i going to, wearing that stuff?" image from here and...
at first, i am quite confuse and think "what the hell" or "where am i going to, wearing that stuff?" image from here and...
*apa bahasa enggrisnya ya?* wokeh, minggu 22 maret kemaren gw ke bogor with my beloved hubby and beautiful baby niat awalnya adalah ke tempa...
yesterday i bought some pretty undies from victoria secret actually i'm not used to wear such undies. u know the one with frills and pin...
yippy... after all those years, *a year actually* my laptop is operating again! yaiy! hampir setahun laptop butut gw mati suri. masih bebuny...
1. i dont like trends jamannya ngetrend sendal gladiator, gw ga punya. jaman dahulu kala, gw seneng tuh make sendal tali temali yang ala Yo...
heaven on earth, buat gw cuman ada 2 : 1. dimanapun asalkan bersama Langit 2. thrift store penjelasannya : yang nomor satu ini mah ga usah d...
dari dulu cita2 gw kalo ditanya pasti jawabnya : "be a good mother" alhamdulillah saat ini gw udah 10 bulan menjadi seorang i...